Those occasional jaunts are lovely, but home is mostly where we all feel like being. The 100 Day Cough, they call it for a very good reason. It's a good thing we like being home just as much as we do. And it's a very good thing that there is so much to keep our hands and minds busy with here! The library and studio both have been seeing far more action than ever before for a late summer season. We've all been enjoying the closeness of the two rooms and the convenience of that (a gift that's sometimes hard to remember come February). Back and forth from art project and scrabble games and reading and puzzles to sewing and felting and spinning, oh my.
And in those tiny moments of time when all appear to be engaged, and happy without a need for Mama, I've been stitching away at the machine. Somehow - one stitch at a time, I suppose - I've managed to finish this quilt top for Annabel (which yes, is in need of a bit of ironing).
The fabrics were chosen so that it would complement, but not 'match' Adelaide's quilt, anticipating that they will someday share a bedroom. There are just a few prints from Adelaide's quilt, a few old and meaningful treasures from some of Annabel's first year, and a bit of new goodness to keep it fresh and all her own (it's heavy on the Nani Iro, especially the brushed cotton. I love that fabric).
Seeing as how she doesn't have a bed of her own yet, nor likely will she for a while longer now, the quilt top remains a 'top' only. It's folded up neatly and patiently waiting for that someday later - when inspiration to finish it strikes...or when she's ready to strike out on her own and in need of a big girl, big bed, Mama quilt. But I'm not rushing any of that....and there's plenty of 'necessary' sewing to keep me busy in the meantime. Quilts, even! (I'll show you one tomorrow if I can muster the courage. You'll see what I mean - it's a doozy. I might need your help.)
Are you sewing these days? What's at your machine?