Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Woolen Moss Farm and Studio. In shopkeeper and maker Kate's words:
"My Etsy shop is dedicated to quality handmade clothing made from all natural, low impact dyed, and organic materials. All designs reflect my ideals of wearing clothing that is both good for your body and good for your earth. Every body is beautiful and unique and should move freely and with ease."
SouleMama: What inspires you?
Kate: I have always been a maker. I've called myself an artist, a seamstress, a sculptor, a painter, a builder and more. But what it all comes down to, is that I'm a maker. I have a need to create things. I love what I'm doing right now. I get to work with wonderful natural materials, I get to develop personal relationships with some of my customers, and I get to work from my home that I love. But I also know that if I wasn't making clothing, I would be making something else. Because that's what I am, a maker.
Kate: I find Etsy to be an amazing marketplace. Any given day I can go to the featured seller article, and generally read an inspiring tale of one craftsperson's life. It makes me feel like I am in good company. That I am not the only one who has wandered a meandering path to get to where I am today. And on my days that are filled with doubt, I can read about someone else who has had those same days and come out the other side, stronger for it. I am inspired by anyone who is doing what they love.
SouleMama: Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Kate: I have said this before and I will say it again because it continues to ring true for me:
-The Bhagavad Gita
SouleMama: What's the product or offering you're most excited about right now? Tell us about it.
Kate: I've recently began offering all my garments from three different collections: the Raw Edge Collection, the Embroidered Hem Collection and the Ruffled Edge Collection. This allows each customer to get the style they want in the price range they are comfortable in. I'm hoping that this versatility will encourage a wide range of customers to feel at home in my shop. And soon to come will be several new pieces of Limited Edition Garments, for those of you that want that accent piece that no one else has. For that there's an order of new sweater wools headed my way now. I can't wait to share them with you!
For today's giveaway, Woolen Moss is generously offering the following to TWO winners:
In addition, Woolen Moss is offering SouleMama readers 15% off your orders for the duration of 2012. Use coupon code SOULE12.
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To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 9am EST on Monday, and announce the winner(s), chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winners are...
They look so toasty warm.... Thanks for the chance...
Posted by: Charlene Miller
Sounds like a great alternative to tights!
Posted by: Casey
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