Sandy - whatever she may be and whatever she may bring - is headed this way. The weekend was spent preparing for the 'just in case' end of things - with a whole array of big and little things done for animals and people both. We're hunkering down, nestling in.
While the effects of the coming storm are unknown right now, with a flip of the calendar ahead this week too, it does feel certain that these mild fall days are ending. The season is changing. The ground will soon freeze. Surely all the leaves on the trees will be gone after this storm.
In the midst of the important and serious work of preparing, the little ones - as they naturally have a way of doing - made sure we took some time to pause and properly bid this season adieu. Garlic was planted and quickly covered. We had a bonfire with s'mores. A trail walk was enjoyed by all. Feet were bared for slackline walking in the sunshine. And for a quick but precious moment in our busy day, I laid on the ground, noticing everything I could. Children laughing, a pasture alive, warm fall sunshine, the cooling ground, the smell of the bonfire, all the orange around, and the dirt-covered, sweet-smelling baby girl snuggling into my neck. Inhale, exhale. This moment is good.
I wish you all a safe and peaceful week!