Oh, what interesting discussions in the comments yesterday! I find is so encouraging, and so hopeful for this generation of little ones coming up, that even when we don't all land on the same conclusion of what is 'right' for ourselves, our children and families, there is indeed so much questioning and thought that goes into our parenting. So many people trying to do the very best we can. Learning, loving and letting go along the way.
Walking from house to house last night with my oldest friend and her child, in the very neighborhood we ourselves roamed as children and teenagers, the feeling of time passing surrounded me in every step. The oldest children wandering ahead from us just as far as we would allow, leaving my mind to wander back in time to the twelve years prior and ahead in time to the days not so long from now when I imagine they'll not want to join us anymore. Anchoring me in the here and now, a baby on my hip and a toddler on Steve's shoulders, and well...that for certain is one of the beauties of holiday and celebration in my mind. The distinct marking of time that it brings to light for us from year to year, standing out from what can sometimes be the blur of the everyday.
For this year, anyway, it was a warm and mild Halloween night in the Village. Two more cousins were added to the pre-trick or treating pile up at Grammie and Grampie's house. The "really, really scary house" was "not as scary as it used to be" to one, and so frightening to another that she avoided the entire street. Mama was talked into pizza for dinner (with turkey and quinoa stew waiting at home to fill our bellies 'after'). The oldest pushed buttons and boundaries and then warmed my heart. The youngest made us all laugh over and over and then retreated into the arms of her grandmother and wouldn't let go.
Time marches on. And this year, this halloween, it was to the beat of a secret agent robber, an 80's punk rocker, a clown, a purple dragon, and a scandinavian prairie clown (a true compromise/collaboration if ever I did see one).