My wintry cross stitch sampler is coming along nicely....and rapidly, much to my surprise. The reason for the pace and progress?
This. This is the reason. Because it's exciting for everyone! Really, I had no idea. I'm always sitting and stitching something - handsewing or dropspindling or knitting. Generally there's interest and almost always someone on my lap, but goodness nothing like the interest that this little sampler has brought. "Sit, Mama! Sit!" they say, as each of the three of them gather just as close as they possibly can to watch. To watch! Because, I've realized, a story is coming to life right in front of their eyes. Each little object goes on in such a relatively short amount of time that they can watch it transform from fabric and floss to something they recognize. They settle in with eagerness and a very honorable attempt to be still, and just a few minutes later... a snail....or a house....or a snowflake is there. They've all had their favorite letter and object they've been excited for me to get to. "Is it time for the rabbit?!!" I hear when I'm doing something else entirely, and am once again brought back to the stitching. I tell you, I really do like this kind of entertainment.
Of course, while watching is fun for all, doing it yourself is a whole lot of goodness too. Thanks to some recommendations, I started Adelaide with two strands of floss on some gingham fabric. She can play a bit with design, and color, and get the feel for the crosses without having to count every single stitch. She's on her third or fouth little patch of designed gingham, with many plans for them to stop by the sewing machine for the second phase of her making.
Harper is stitching these days with burlap and a doubled and knotted floss to avoid the frustrating slipping off the needle that I find happens easily at that age. He's having lots of fun changing color often, and making letters. He considers each piece a finished object of art - complete with embroidery hoop which musn't be removed. All of which requires hammer and nail to properly hang on his bedroom wall.
Sitting, stitching, watching, inspiring...and so it goes right on down the line.