Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Imagine Childhood. In Sarah's words:
" ... a little nature... a little imagination... a lot of play. Toys, tools and activities for growing minds. Imagine Childhood is a family owned and operated company offering high quality environmentally conscious toys and activities that encourage exploration, creativity, and open-ended unstructured play."
"Visit our blog ~ Imagine Childhood"
SouleMama: What's the product or offering that you are most excited about in your shop right now?
Sarah: That’s a hard one because we have so many wonderful new things to share this holiday season, but I would have to say the two that I am most excited about right now are the launch of my first book and our new Holiday Gift Guide for the shop!
SouleMama: Is there a special place that inspires you?
Sarah: About twelve years ago I was living in a tiny town in Italy. Situated in the side of a hill, each era of its history was visible in the layers of its stone walls. Near the edge of town there was a small Etruscan trail that my husband and I used to walk every day. It wasn’t particularly long, but if you followed it to the end you would arrive at the top of the hill overlooking the valley below. As soon as we finished our trek each evening we would sit down on the rocks and start to dream about the future. . . the life we wanted to live. . . the things we wanted to do. . . the places we’d like to see. I loved that space more than words can begin to tell. But, as life and busy schedules would have it, while I’ve often daydreamed about making a trip back, I haven’t been able to return in over a decade. . . that is until I found it’s twin in my new neighborhood. Just a few blocks from my front door there is a tiny piece of open space in the hillside with a small dirt trail that cuts through the middle of it. Although the landscape is considerably more modern, somehow the evening light and the shapes of the cascading hills take me back to that spot in Italy. Right now this is the space that inspires me the most, because when I go there, I get to time travel. I get to be a kid dreaming about the future, about how much more there is to see and explore.
SouleMama: If you could spend a day with any crafter/artist who would it be and why?
Sarah: If I could spend some time with an artist today I think I would like to go on a walk with Gabriel Orozco. His work and his studio practice remind me not to underestimate the power of “very simple gestures and actions” and also, that when you can’t think your way to an answer, sometimes you can walk your way to one.
Sarah: Today it's “When nothing is sure, everything is possible” ~ Margaret Drabble
For today's giveaway, Imagine Childhood is generously offering the following gifts to ONE winner:
~ $100 gift certificate
a copy of our book IMAGINE CHILDHOOD: Exploring the World Through Nature, Imagination and Play!
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To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00am EST on Sunday, and announce the winner, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winner is...
How beautiful and generous, thank you for this!
Posted by: Tracey
Thank you, Imagine Childhood!