One hundred and thirty yards of an inconsistent Aran weight. That's what the very first of my wheel spinning resulted in. The skeins that have followed are of a much different weight and far more this one will stand on its own as something. I've thought long - oh so long - about what it might be, this first skein.
After a long afternoon of delivering the boys to dance class and working while I waited for them, we drove the longer than usual ride home on the messy, snowy roads. We arrived home, quite late, to a quiet and warm house....two tired boys quickly joined the rest in bed and I sat myself in front of that fire for just a few moments. One glass of cabernet, a favorite book that reads so comfortably - Wendell Berry's Hannah Coulter, and this first skein, cast on and knit a bit.
I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. I chose our breed of sheep - Shetlands - thoughtfully, but not with a whole lot of knowledge and most definitely without a lick of experience. We've already loved them for their size, hardiness, and personality...but now I can love them for their wooly fleece. It feels strong to me, as I was hoping it would. But I'm surprised by the softness. It's much softer than was expecting. A pleasant surprise.
Oh, the things I'm dreaming of making...