There can be no doubt that spring is on its way now. The maple syrup is filling up the pantry shelves, I'm washing muddy floors every day, and now this! We got the early morning post office call yesterday, and quickly readied the brooder that will see a lot of action in the months to come (there's a brooder schedule, yes indeed). It is nice, I dare say, being in somewhat of a groove of things after a few years here now. Our third spring on the farm, and everything is in place, with systems only needing touching up here and there (thank you, duck tape and baling wire, we love you so).
This is just a small batch of laying birds that we'll add to the flock we already have. We had quite a bit of predator loss this winter, sadly...and some of the older girls we expect to stop laying by next winter. And so, adding some young ones into the mix this year, we've got more buff orphingtons (they're my favorite - so docile and pretty), and new to us - black austrolorps and silver laced wyandottes. I anticipate that all those birds will be plenty well people-socialized with all the helpers we have around here. But quickly Adelaide and Harper each identified their extra 'special ones' and lovingly named them Ruby and Judy Pecker (four year olds really are the best namers of things, I declare). A visit inside was allowed just this once (yeah, right) and fun ensued for a few moments before safely returning Ruby and Judy Pecker to the heat of their friends and the lamp in the barn brooder.
Adelaide: "Oh my goodness, you have to put them in cute little teacups, Mom!"
Mom: "Why?"
Adelaide: "Why not?"
And there you have it. The spring chicks are here.