Last week, we sheared Cinnamon and Charlotte, as Emily and Anne looked on with a mix of - I don't know what - horror? amusement? Perhaps a little of both. From my place as a witness and sort-of helper, I'd call Steve's first forray into shearing a complete success. There was minimal bleeding and most of it was from him (oh gosh). Cinnamon and Charlotte both were just as patient as could be, and the jumping and prancing they did when all was said and done lead us to believe they rather love their new haircuts.
The job, however, is only halfway done. Going slowly and carefully with each sheep, and all bent over like that (we're considering a stand for next time)...two a day seemed plenty for getting started. And then there was a recital flurry and birthday celebrations and now a stretch of heavy rain. Just as soon as it clears enough to get out there, we'll finish the job, and Emily and Anne will join the rest with their summertime haircut.
And then...I've got some work to do! I've already been hogging the bathtub for the past few days, cleaning the two fleeces I do have - bringing disguist to my older boys, intrique to Banjo the cat who guards the fleece (hmn?), and interest to the little ones who don't mind skipping a bath or two in favor of some soft wool to touch in the bath instead.
I made a quick set of drawstring bags from some old tablecloths for storing the raw fleeces. It's not a permanent storage solution (I know what you're thinking, wool moths!), but it'll do for right now. Next up comes the carding and spinning and oh, then the knitting! I'm really not sure what part of this whole process I love best of all. It's all pretty wonderful.