So there may not be a cow (yet), but my goodness, we've got ourselves a serious bird farm going on here these days. As of yesterday, there was one duck, eleven laying hens, ten almost-laying pullets, ten smaller pullets, thirty-five five-week old freedom rangers (meat birds), and thirty five two-week old freedom rangers. We are full to capacity in brooders, hoop houses and chicken tractors. So much so that when we got the early morning phone call today from the post office letting us know that our birds were in (once again, I forgot to write the date down on the calendar when they were ordered in January. Oops), we did a little head-scratching followed by some scrambling to make room for turkeys. Breakfast skipped, a trip to the post office, a bit of rearranging in the barn, and now everyone is tucked into where they should be. With a spousal promise that no more birds will join us this year, and that I'll do my best to keep a better calendar, all is well and the rest of our day begins. And there is a chorus of peeps and chirps that follows wherever we are.