They are so very loved, these chickens. "You so preeeetty, you so beeeutiful" she coos to them as they all go running, a little nervous from her eager footsteps. But she's gentle and even a little hesitant with them, and so excited to report to anyone who will listen that there are eggs from those chickens. "Not real eggs AND real eggs!" (We use the wooden eggs - yes from the play kitchen - to teach the birds where to lay.) The australorps and the silver laced wyandottes have started laying! Laying eggs may be a normal everyday occurance, but those tiny first eggs really are something special to be celebrated. So proud to have found it on her own, she walks slowly and steadily out of the coop and all the way to the house, carrying it with two hands and stopping along the way to tell the story to any sibling she might pass , until she finally arrives, with a heavy sigh, at the kitchen counter and can set the egg down. It'll be her very own breakfast this morning, that petite sweet little thing. The first egg.