It's hard for me to believe, but it's true - we're coming up on three years since the mad, excited flurry of painting every inch of this house, putting up walls, taking down walls, and all that good stuff that happened before we moved in. And three years, I'm finding, seems to be just about the life span of those white painted floors, at least in the high traffic areas or rooms with the most amount of activity. I've slowly been repainting them, with the last room being the most beat-up - Ezra and Harper's room (what are they doing in there? is a frequent question asked from the room below). So, that's my project right now....and while I'm in there, with the contents of their entire room piled up in the hallway, I thought it might be just the right time for a little bedroom redo for those two. It seems to be a tradition that's forming anyway, as last year we did the same for Calvin while he was away at summer camp for the first time. This year? Ezra will return home to a freshened up room as a surprise. I've been sneakily priming (as Mamas do) he and Harper for a few weeks now for ideas about colors and things he'd change about his room, and what he wouldn't ever change (oh, that bandaid wall color stays!). Lots of little things are happening - floors and beds being painted, some new curtains, a thrifted this or that here and there, and most definitely, without a doubt, a new quilt on his bed (I've just the binding to go!).
This week, my focus will be shifted away from the garden and pastures for a bit and instead inside the house, in this little room. There is much I hope to do to make it the coziest, most fun spot my two boys could have. I best get to it.
Wishing you a lovely start to your week, friends!