Last week, in the garden. (July 11)
This morning, in my garden.
(If you're keeping garden notes and photographs and want to share it with the rest of us, do leave a comment with a link so that we may visit your garden too!)
There is so much goodness coming out of the garden these days! We are enjoying all the kale and chard we could possibly eat, the beets are truly big enough now for eating without hesitancy, the early potatoes are so tender, peas still going, lots and lots of brocolli, all those berries, and the very first tiny tomato just this morning. I feel spoiled in my dinner choices and possibilities this time of year - the abundance of our meat in the freezer and the produce coming out of the garden is such a rich feeling I am so grateful for. I'm trying to hold onto this feeling, knowing how old and tired root vegetables and soups become in the dark winter days. I'm savoring as best I can the abundance and ease of food that comes only this time of year. Dinner doesn't require a whole lot of planning or time in the summer - more often than not this week, a quick and easy fritatta is finding itself on the dinner table - with a handful of this and that from the day's garden basket.
I battled an impressive amount of thistle (though I was calling it stinging nettle until my daughter corrected me) that was taking over the garlic. I think I caught it all just in time to save said garlic - the softneck even looks ready for harvesting soon. And oh, I have my eye on those cabbages folding over so gracefully too. Soon! The squash plants, even, have recovered a bit from all the pest damage and appear to be thriving in all the sunshine. (Soon I know I shall be overwhelmed by zucchini.)
With my time and focus so directed inside this week, and the humidity making gardening in the height of day not very comfortable, the garden has been getting a little less attention this week. Resting on its own in the sunshine, if you will, with just the right amount of rainfall at night to keep us from watering it. Next week, I'll make more time for more mulching and weeding and harvesting too. But this week, it seemed to do just fine mostly on its own, this garden of mine. I am grateful.