I have had the enormous pleasure of spending the past day and night on Squam Lake with my girlie, Adelaide. A pleasure, a delight, a true gift really, to spend this time together alone as we've done. Looking for the fairies of these woods, crafting our hearts out by the fire, and gathering with some very special grown up ladies in my life that love and spoil her (in the best of ways) too (and she, them, of course). I am enjoying every second of our magical time together, as my mind simultaneously wanders to future years and future gatherings in the woods with magical ladies, and having this one at my side again in two years, ten years, oh - twenty! My heart kinda bursts at the thought, to be honest. She's a cool cat, this girl of mine. Eight is going to be just great (as she says).
Soon, she'll head home to snuggle those precious goats (cat, sheep, chickens, turkeys, duck...) of hers, and to celebrate with the rest of the gang (oh, we do let birthdays linger!). And Mama will get the to pleasure of the work I'm really here to do. Our Taproot Gathering at Squam begins this afternoon! (If you're close by this weekend, the Art Fair is open to all, and we'd so love to say hello!) The lake is simply gorgeous today, and an exciting feeling of anticipation is in the air. And so it begins...