This morning, I'm packing up and heading home (home!) after the adventures of the past few weeks, which we rounded out this weekend at the Common Ground Country Fair. Oh, I do love this fair. Such a harbinger of the season it is for my family and so many others. It is always a time to connect with friends we haven't seen in ages (sometimes, since the last fair), visit with the animals, eat good (Maine! Organic!) food, and soak in the goodness all around there. This year, I was so glad to strike what I thought was the perfect balance of my time there. With a whole team in the Taproot booth, we were freed up a bit to experience the fair a little more. Plenty of time with good conversations and meeting readers in the booth and talk good magazine ideas. A day with family doing all the things we love. And also - for the first time in years and years for me - time to walk around alone and explore, even attending some talks from start to finish (an amazing feat for a Mama, yes?). It was such a good fair, and I am feeling full up and recharged with inspiration and encouragement in work and home and farm, and ready to bring that all home with me.
Wishing you a lovely start to your week, friends!