The very last of the (paper) snowflakes have fallen on the 2013 Nutcracker season. I am so proud of those kids - not just mine, but every single one of them on that stage. So young, but so professional and so responsible and really just so kind and supportive, the lot of them. It is a true privilege to so closely watch them perform - to watch them all grow on the stage as they do. The end of this season is bittersweet, as I so long to be at home, but understand too the sadness at something so great being over for my guys. Oh, but thank goodness there is always next year...and before that, so many more performances and shows for these kids that just can't get enough, and their parents who go along for the ride. Ah, Cinderella is next, you say? Okay!
Short of the absolute essential outings (right now I can think of nothing that fits under that category), Mama declares this our annual Skip Week. HOME is the focus, and HOME is where I am so happy to be. With the Nutcracker schedule behind us, we can dive on into the holidays all together with full steam and gusto. So far, the Christmas vinyl has been brought to the front...and holiday cards are being written in the evenings. I do so love that. Each year I consider eliminating it from the budget, from the schedule, from the list. But then I am reminded how much it is really one of my favorite things - tucking into a cozy writing spot in front of the fire late at night with a quiet house, writing notes to friends and family. And so that is happening.
And sewing, too. I've been holding onto this gorgeous fabric by Phoebe Wahl for a few weeks, knowing exactly what I wanted to make with it just as soon as I saw it. And I'm just so pleased that it looks like there is time enough to do so. Matching dresses for the girls, with a favorite pattern we love to layer all year long - Suzanne by Citronille. I have two nearly completed dresses for the girls...and there's just enough fabric left over that I think I can eek out three bow ties. Bow ties! A sorta matching set of five! I can hardly contain my excitement about that. The girls and Harper are fully in on the fun (that boy loves a bow tie), but the older two might need some convincing. Surely, I tell them, wearing a matching bow tie with your brothers and sisters for just one day can't cause life-long trauma, now can it? Surely, for the Mama who cooks and cleans and loves and drives you everywhere all the time, one could summon the excitement - or at least the patience - to wear such a thing one time, yes? I'll keep you posted.
The (real) snow is falling outside this morning. I haven't checked an official forecast, but I'm hearing rumors of a small storm, and it certainly felt like one was coming this morning when we were out doing morning chores. Whatever comes today for snow, we'll take it. I'm happy to be here.