The matching holiday dresses and bowties were not finished in time for Solstice or Christmas, but just in time for a family Christmas party this weekend, postponed from snow earlier in the month. It was perfect timing, the girls and Harper were thrilled to have something special and matchy to wear...and their big brothers were a little bit relieved, I think, that I ran out of enough fabric to make theirs. Good sports that they are though, I think they would have done it for me.
That seems to be the way of this holiday season for us. A little bit on the late side, with a slow start, but such pleasant joy once here that we don't want to quite leave it yet. With all the change and excitement earlier this month, it seems only right and perfect timing that now we slow it all down a bit - that we let it all linger as best we can. We are filling the days with entertaining friends and family, exploring all the new hiding and climbing spots in Gram's room, playing charades and Scattegories by the fire at night, clearing snow off the pond for skating on all day, and all the other good comforts that are home and family and the holidays together. The tree is already up longer than it ever has been before, and I have no desire to take it down yet - to put an end to these days. We woke to another foot of snow this morning. I don't think the errand I had planned to run is going to happen this morning and I don't mind at all. I'm glad for another excuse to stay at home. We have what we need right here.
Wishing you a lovely start to this week, friends...and hoping that whether you are back at work now or travelling or hunkered down at home, that you have many full moments of lingering in the goodness of this season.