Well, this is an exciting sight to me. With the launch this week of RECLAIM, we wrap up our second year at Taproot, with a collection of eight issues out in the world. Eight! Eight issues after we announced our wild and crazy idea to create a print only, advertising free, independently published journal - each one of those things a challenge, but all three? Of course we couldn't know how it would work, but we hoped greatly and we certainly worked hard. And with each issue, we are met with such encouragement and enthusiasm from folks reading our pages. Yes. Eight issues...and counting.
And I do think RECLAIM is my very favorite yet (why yes, yes I do say that each time). This issue is so full of goodness - some thoughtful and provocative ssays I've gone back to read over and over again, and an extra full HANDS section this time around with food, craft, knitting, and sewing. Yes! A pull-out full size pattern for a tunic by Sonya Philip created especially for us. So much goodness, I tell you!
If you're a subscriber, your issue should be arriving any day now (give us a little extra time for those of you out of the US, of course!). And all the information on subscribing, rewewing, gift-subscribing, etc are on the website.
With each issue launch, we release two prints from the pages. This time around, those two prints are (above) by Michelle Kroll and Phoebe Wahl. They've signed those for us, and they're now headed to the Print Shop where they'll join past prints, along with notecards and our 2014 calendar, nearly sold out.
I say it again and again, but I am continually in awe of and inspired by the people I get to work with on this project. Our contributors share so much of themselves and their art (in whatever medium it may be) with us and you readers. It makes the work of putting these pages together and ushering them into the world a real pleasure. And it just keeps getting more exciting - as we welcome new folks (we're thrilled to have Geninne Zlatkis making our 2014 cover art!); as we listen to your feedback and try new things; and as we work to strengthen each issue hopefully a little more than the one that came before. We're all looking forward to what comes next for us in 2014 ... and getting to work on BREATHE, SEED, MEND and BREAD.