It's been a very long time since I've made little teacup lights, but I've been wanting to do so again. Amber's instructions and lovely photographs in the latest issue of Taproot prompted me to make it happen now, with another set of little ones who have never shared this particular craft with me. With a snow day yesterday, inching us closer to the solstice and all that means for light, yesterday was the perfect day. After a quick trip the the flea market, Adelaide and Harper were happily engaged - from peeling stickers and washing cups to holding wicks in place and finally, testing one out just as soon as it was dark enough to warrant one (we didn't have to wait long for that). I followed Amber's directions, and used what we had on hand for supplies - my handy "craft only" double boiler, these wicks, this wax, different essential oils, then our beeswax when I ran out of soy. These will be little gifties just from the two of them. They are enormously proud of them, and eager to share. (They gifted one to me right before bed - all bundled up and gift tagged. So lovely.)
All in all, another reminder for me that simple and special really is where it's at anytime, but especially at the holiday season. Some time spent creating together, thinking of those we love, and sharing. And in the end, a little bit more light.