Deep, deep in the land of the sugar plum fairy - that's where we are right now. This is the thickest of the thick of it and we are living and breathing (and driving) this annual goodness - the Nutcracker ballet season we've come to know and love. This year brings with it so much rhythm and familiarity along with new tradition too. Calvin and Ezra are ever so pleased with their (combined) roles of Fritz, Party Boy, Mouse, Cavalry and one of Mother Ginger's Children. And I'm doing tiny bits of stitching here and there backstage and watching from the wings when I can be helpful there. And of course, loving the time I get to spend in that wild and wonderful boys ballet room. Ballet boys, they're a special lot, I tell you. Not that I'm biased in any way (ahem)...but they really are some fine young gentlemen. (Oh, but I've already gone on about my love for those boys.)
I am quite keen, I'm sure you understand, to get back to our regular rhythm of home. For the every day rehearsals and performances right now are certainly enough to throw one's equilibrium for a whorl (a triple pirouette gone awry, perhaps?), not to mention the great feats of schedule coordinating and juggling to even make happen at all. And I've got a serious stash of milk waiting to become cheese! Sometimes, I find myself getting caught on that train of just running to the next one, checking to make sure I packed what we need, and looking forward to it being over. But it's too special of a time to stay on that train for long, and thankfully, the boys' contagious excitement keeps me firmly planted in a place of joy. For there is so much magic in this experience - from wherever you are - the audience, the dressing rooms, the stage, and even in the wings. At each and every performance, there's always a moment - or more - of awe at what I see in front of me - whether it be my child on the stage or someone else's. This year, my boys share the stage for one long scene for the first time. And while I've seen the rehearsal of it nearly a gazillion times (really, truly), and had my eye on costumes that might need attention...standing in the wings on that opening day was a delight. Seeing them both there together - doing something that fills them up so much? Well, I'm so glad this is part of their lives. (And mine too.)