Does the online world - or more importantly, you - need another cracker recipe? Hmn? These things I worry about whenever I think about sharing some of our favorite recipes here. Which I think about often given that, you know, I feed a lot of people all of the time. Really, sometimes I think it's all I do (sound familiar, Mamas?). Which is okay, because I really do love it - feeding them. So I don't know the answer to that question I ask myself, but I do know that this one really is a favorite, and that this here space is an extension of my "kitchen" so to speak. And so I'll share today. Forgive me if this is too simple for your liking, or you don't eat gluten, or you are just all set with cracker recipes. I get that.
But here? We are decidely not 'all set' with crackers as a somewhat regular ocassional (totally a real concept) carb indulgenge and means by which we escort yummy cheeses and dips and other goodness into our mouths and bellies. Homemade crackers are where it's at - they're what the kids (most especially these two growing boys of mine, oh my) want to eat and what I don't want to buy. A 'box' of crackers from the store? Gone in two seconds flat around these parts. Pure silliness, I say. We can make those.
A longtime favorite is Heather's Rosemary Garlic Crackers, and we also love Parmesan Cream Crackers. But we like to mix it up a little too, so as not to get too tired of one or another. This one below we've tweaked to be just exactly the way we like our simple crackers to be. Not too soft, not too crispy, not an overwhelming flavor, but a basic blank slate upon which yummy cheeses and dips can be slathered, layered, and otherwise paired. Simple to make, simple to eat. "It's thick to beat and quick to bake - It's fine to eat and fun to make -" (Sorry, one can never resist the opportunity to quote a beloved family book, Seven Silly Eaters.)
Without further ado, our Simple Crackers....
(makes approximately 120 one-inch crackers, or in other words, fills my 2 liter jar perfectly.)
3 cups all purpose flour (or half all purpose and half whole wheat, or spelt and whatever, or any combination you deem wonderful and best for you and yours)
2 tsp sea salt
3 TBSP heavy cream
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup warm water
For toppings: coarse salt, freshly ground black pepper, poppy seeds and sesame seeds
1. Place flour and salt in food processor, mixing together to blend. Add olive oil, heavy cream, and water. Mix together just long enough for it to begin forming into a ball.
2. Dump the dough out onto a lightly oiled surface to further shape into a ball (without too much handling). Divide into four balls. Cover with a towel and let it sit for twenty minutes (or so).
3. Preheat oven to 425. On the lightly oiled surface, roll out each ball of dough until it is quite thin - 1/4 - 1/8 inch thick.
4. Place the rolled out dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Using a pastry brush, lightly brush the surface of the dough with water. Sprinkle with the black pepper, salt and seeds of your choice. Prick here and there with a fork (to prevent it from bubbling up in the oven). Using a pastry cutter or pizza cutter, score the crackers. I make mine roughly 1".
5. Bake the crackers until they are golden and just beginning to brown along the edges, approximately 8-12 minutes. Rotate pan halfway through baking. Remove from oven and let cool on a cooling rack. They'll continue to crisp up a bit more.
6. Continue with remaining dough. After cooling, store in an airtight container.
(If your house is anything like mine, these will be gone lickety split. Maybe two snack sessions. But really, they didn't long to make at all, now did they? And they were so enjoyed...)