I had saved this day open for writing about Calvin. (Yes, yes...I "schedule" blog posts - I always have.) I have so much I want to say about him and who he is. About parenting this age - how much fun it is, how hard it is. About the changes - and the similarities - between those baby years and now. And so many questions and wondering too, about what comes next. Or I thought maybe I'd write about the symbolism in his finally outgrowing that felt birthday crown this year. Or...oh so many other things. But the closer it got to this day, the fewer words I've been able to find. And not to make it all about me (really, I don't mean to do that), but I just can't believe that I'm the Mom of a teenager. How can that be? This is the boy that brought me out of my own teen years and into motherhood. Practically, anyhow. And here he is - in it himself, and beautifully so. My words stop there. And because he's now a blog reader himself, I say to him directly and wholeheartedly...Happy Birthday, Calvin!