The last of Peach's yogurt is gone from the refrigerator, we're averaging just one to two eggs a day from our twenty five hens (we didn't put a light on them this winter), and I don't know about you, but fresh greens - or fresh anything - from my garden is feeling an awfully long ways off. I haven't even ordered the seeds yet. The snow is so deep.
I find this time of year in the kitchen to be the most challenging of the whole year. The novelty is gone from all those wintry soups and stews, roast chickens, pulled pork, and root vegetables. I don't want to bake another potato. And if I put chicken soup with dumplings (really, a favorite) in front of my eat-everything family one more time? I just might have a walk out (I'll be leading it).
So, what to do? Did deep, I suppose. Deep into the archives of favorites beyond the familiar and frequent - for those forgotten things we made once upon a time or haven't made in a while, or always wanted to try. Back to the place where I can feel the good kitchen energy I really do love.
Maybe, just maybe, you're feeling the same way too. So I thought I'd share some of the things I unearthed from my recipe cards and bookmarks, things that piqued my interest and might just keep the inspiration going in the kitchen. Coming up this week, I'm thinking about...
Curried Apple Couscous - a most yummy dish we love, especially for lunch, but haven't had in quite some time.
Our Carrot Tomato Soup - I usually make this in the summer with fresh tomatoes, but I did freeze a bit of roasted tomatoes and it would be a welcome treat this time of year.
Lively Up Yourself Lentil Soup - another old time favorite that for whatever reason, fell out of habit. Oh, that safron yogurt, yum!
Chili - another dish that hasn't been on our table in a good long while. I like Martha's 30-minute chili recipe, but we also love the Moosewood chili too (I usually use the one from the original Moosewood, but it isn't far off from this Red, Gold Black and Green Chili of theirs).
Leek, Bacon and Pea Risotto - Adding bacon to anything guarantees success on my family dinner table (thank goodness for a freezer full of it).
Okay. Now I'm getting excited again...back to the kitchen I go.
And you? What's keeping you inspired in your kitchen these days?