There is one (literally) tiny but (fundamentally) huge project we want to finish around here before spring arrives. And while the falling (again) snow outside may fool us into believing we still have a great deal of time before that happens...the coming lambs, and the soon-to-be-tapped trees, and the seed order placed yesterday all tell us that spring really is just right around the corner. So we're getting right to work on this family priority - and that is making a special space for Annabel. A space all her own, in well enough time before her third birthday (I know, I can't believe it either). We don't have any hard and fast rules about it, and certainly it is never the 'plan', but it always seems to be that 'round about the third birthday, it feels time - in the experience of our five little ones, at least - for a little bit of space of one's own. Even if that little one doesn't spend the whole night there, or much of the day. There's something really special for them in saying that this room, or this corner of the room, or just this bed, is 'mine'. And so, that's precisely what we're creating for the little miss right now. She seems ready.
Trouble is, we've kind of run out of rooms in this rambly old farmhouse of ours! And we've run out of shared room options too. But we've been thinking....and measuring...and strategizing...and I think we may be onto something in creating a room for her out of a little nook - just big enough for a bed, a dresser, her dolls, and everything that is all her own. We've got our work cut our for us before it's done - flooring, trim, paint, a new bed, a quilt to be finished, curtains, oh, and a door. Little (big) details. But we're on it, and excited to be doing so. So is the director, who is moving things along at a rather rapid pace with her charming demands. Pink, please. Pink, it will be.