Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Aurora Shoe Company. In Alyssa's words:
"The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made materials and create all of our shoes in house and by hand. Assembled organically, using simple cuts of leather and minimal stitching, our shoes mold to their owners’ feet the way that only natural materials and careful design can.
We enjoy using our blog to feature the travels and adventures our shoes have been on. Close to home, or around the world, we love them all. We invite you to submit a photo by email along with a description. Of course, photos are also always welcome on our Facebook page as well."
SouleMama: How long have you been in business?
Alyssa: Many of our newer customers are surprised to hear that we've been making shoes in the same small town for over 20 years. Our shop opened on Main Street, Aurora in 1991. We moved up the road a few years later and have been here, cutting and stitching the same patterns ever since. It's great to hear from people who wore our shoes in the '90s and, through the magic of the internet, found us again. It is such a pleasure to see people wearing the same pair of shoes they bought from us in the early years. We're all about quality over quantity around here!
SouleMama: What aspect of your business would you like people to know more about?
Alyssa: I don't think many people know about the steps we take to keep our environmental impact as small as possible. We talk a lot about the value of buying local products, manufactured with local materials and we're passionate about that idea because it bolsters our local economy and it makes environmental sense. On a smaller scale, we're dedicated to recycling and save our leather scraps to donate or sell locally (Dave is hatching a plan to put them to use ourselves, but we'll save that for next time). Through the colder months we heat our shop with a high efficiency wood boiler and for the past couple of years, we've been able to source wood that fell as storm damage in addition to tops and limbs left behind by a local forest management company. We feel good about doing what we can and find that what's good for the environment is often good for the budget as well.
For today's giveaway, Aurora Shoe Company is generously offering the following gift to ONE winner:
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To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00 am EST on Monday, and announce the winner, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winner is...
What a nice company! I would be delighted to wear a pair of Aurora shoes.
Posted by: Deb
Thank you, Aurora Shoe Company!