Surely, I've talked about my love for the trickle down effect of redecorating a room, yes? I love it - how moving around one room inevitably leads to some sort of rearrange or addition to another room. Such was the case when we moved this sofa - oh, this sofa that has traveled everywhere in this house (and barn) - out of the space we are creating for Annabel. I had thought - with the removal of her things from our bedroom - that this sofa would fit in our room. But I (once again) didn't remember the doorways and corners of this old house of ours. While surely it would fit IN the room, it wouldn't fit THROUGH the door. And so I found myself on a Tuesday afternoon moving things around with my little miss Annabel, with the sofa firmly stuck in the doorway. Push, shove, pull...I was sure I could make it work. Until this little one looked up from the dolls she was playing with in her sister's room and said nonchalantly "It not fit, Mama".
And so it sat until my boys came home after a long day on the mountain and were greeted with a request to move some furniture. (Oh, they're good boys, they are.) As we brought the sofa down the stairs and got it headed out the front door, sadly resigning myself to putting it back in the barn...I stopped them. Wait! The library!
I don't know why I never thought of that before. But this room could certainly use a super comfy spot on which to sit, and all it really required was moving out one of the tables. It is rare that all five are working at the table at once, we can certainly make do with just one. Especially if that means we gain a cozier spot for reading, writing....and handquilting comfortably while multiplication tables are practised.
Ah...cheers to that wonderful trickle down effect, and making progress. Today, this quilt goes into the wash - a most exciting moment in the life of a quilt, don't you think? It might only be trumped by the very first time a quilt is used. Soon, soon. Almost there.