A very welcome burst of color arrived here over the weekend - the early copies of BREATHE, our ninth issue of Taproot! Truly, amidst all this white and grey that we see out the window, I had no idea how happy I'd be to see Geninne Zlatkis' coming through! She'll be creating the next three issues - all of 2014 - and we're so thrilled to have her joining us.
Your issue - should you be a subscriber - will be arriving shortly, in the coming week. I do hope you enjoy this one - full of vibrancy both on the outside and on the inside as well. Plenty of farm goodness, food and fermenting inspiration, plenty of things to make and do, and a few new things too (cocktails! How has my own magazine made it to issue nine before cocktail recipes were included? Thank goodness that's been remedied with this one!).
With this issues, we've released two prints for the Print Shop. May Day by Phoebe Wahl (currently gracing the walls of Annabel's room, as I shared yesterday) and Gardening as an Act of Resistance by new-to-us artist Jess X Chen.
As we say often, and truly mean - we thank you for your support of our independent, ad-free venture! It was a pleasure to put together this issue, and an honor to continue working on the ones to come.
(Ezra, my faithful first reader and observant critic, always eager to get his hands on the first copy when it comes. I'm a lucky Mama.)