Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Nova Natural Toys + Crafts. In their words:
"We sell toys and crafts that inspire and encourage children and families to learn, share and play together. By selling toys made in Europe, the U.S. or in fair trade businesses, we ensure that our products are as good for the people producing them as they are for our customers. Because our products are made primarily of natural materials like wood, cotton, silk and wood, we ensure that they are renewable and safe. It goes without saying that they are also fun!"
SouleMama: How do you come up with new designs and ideas?
Nova: We seek out products that are high quality, long lasting, and have high play value. That means they don't get used once or twice and then tossed aside. Rather, they're made to last, sometimes for more than one generation. Our toys and crafts require the child's imagination to "activate" them. In this way, the child can play with the toy over and over and never become bored. We value all-natural materials: wood, wool, wax, silk, amber and cotton. Our products aren't toxic, for your child or for the earth. But they're also fun! We seek out bright colors and fun, playful designs that kids gravitate towards.
SouleMama: How do you keep yourself motivated, and avoid burnout?
Nova: This might sound silly, but we've started incorporating a 7 minute workout into our day. Once or twice a day, everyone gets up from their chairs, and we put on some upbeat music while we go through the routine: jumping jacks, push-ups, wall sit, lunges and other uncomfortable (but strength-building) exercises. It's a great way to get a break from staring at the computer screen, and we're almost certain it makes you more productive.
SouleMama: What's the product or offering that you are most excited about in your shop right now? Tell us about it.
Nova: We have a Ukrainian Egg Decorating Kit for Easter that makes a wonderful craft activity for kids seven and up (and adults, too!). Every part of the process—heating the wax, drawing multiple layers of designs, dying the egg and rubbing off the wax to reveal the design—contains the perfect combination of skill and creativity that keeps kids engaged. Each egg becomes a unique piece of art that can be displayed and treasured over the years. For younger children, we have Natural Easter Egg Dyes that create lovely, jewel-toned eggs. Because the dyes are vegetable-based, the eggs can be eaten afterwards, as well.
For today's giveaway, Nova Natural Toys + Crafts is generously offering the following gift to ONE winner:
To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00 am EST on Sunday, and announce the winner, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winner is...
Love the careful selection of beautiful things at tis store.Thanks for an opportunity to shop!
Posted by: Kathy
Thank you, Nova Natural Toys + Crafts!