I haven't always felt the way that I do now about Mother's Day. I remember my first few years as a mother just feeling a little puzzled about the day - it was, for all the years prior, meant for MY mother. It felt strange to have it be mine, and I was hesitant to claim it as such, and put my own spin on it different than the one I'd grown up with. Then for a few years, I really struggled with the commercialization of it all, and the pressure and expectation that it put upon everyone involved. But somewhere along the way, all of that went away and was replaced by comfort and ease. That comfort arrived in the form of handmade cards, and bead necklaces, and single daffodils in large mason jars. In my morning tea (extra sweetened) being delivered by five excited children and one loving husband. And more hugs in a day than I can count. In a day spent in the garden with the whole lot of us. And the yearly video they all collaborate to make for me (a project taken over entirely by the kids this year). Yes, I suppose our own traditions have taken strong enough root to make this day feel like mine, and this weekend now one of my favorite weekends of the year. It was a full one - with all the ingredients that make up a happy mama, most of all being the love and time that we share together as a family.
Wishing all of you - in all the many different ways that every one of us 'mothers' in our lives - a beautiful start to your week!