We have had a good stretch of rain at night and sun during the day - what a gift to the garden and all of us too! Accordingly, things are growing, growing, growing in here. Beans and peas are climbing, tomatoes are tall enough to need tying, and a few things are ready for harvesting! We are eating lettuce, spinach, chard and all kinds of herbs. Radishes at every meal, at the insistence of Harper, who prefers them slightly pickled. Sliced radishes soaked for a few moments in white wine vinegar with a wee bit of sugar and a dash of salt. Yum.
As all the beds are full, I find myself filling pots and scattering them about here and there in the garden as I remember that I wanted to try that thai basil, or that the amount of sage I planted just really isn't enough, or what about those eggplant seedlings?
Have I mentioned my hope for the berries this year? They continue to get coddled, all of these berries. And I have a whole great team of helpers with weeding, mulching, and staking them. Blackberries were the focus this week (and I think that's just the spot where I alone picked up a bit of poison ivy. Drats.).
Speaking of those helpers, I am particularly grateful for their help on hands and knees in the potato patch, where they can easily see under the plants to squash those eggs of the three lined potato beetle. They're doing a great job keep that pest at bay.
All is well and good in the garden, and that's precisely where I plan on spending much of today, doing a bit of weeding, thinning and maybe some knitting too.
. . .
If you're keeping garden notes and photographs and want to share it with the rest of us, do leave a comment with a link so that we may take a stroll through your garden too! It's a delight to see what and how things are growing all over, and to read the comments with such great gardening wisdom! Thank you all for continuing to share in this little project.