Quite literally - growing overnight. All of it (babies included!).
With weeds relatively under control, I managed to squeeze in one more garden bed! I've been trying to really think about what crops we can never have enough of - for our family, it comes down to easily stored root vegetables, or things that freeze well, like broccoli. So even more beets and broccoli has been added.
We're relatively on top of pests - though they're here. The potatoes need regular handpicking (a job Harper graciously accepts and excels at!), and I saw my first squash bugs. Oh, those squash bugs! I think I've tried every solution to them under the sun in years past. For now, I sprinkled a bit of Diatomaceous Earth around the base of the plants, and that seems to be helping. At least for the moment.
We're eating salad for dinner every night with all the greens coming out of the garden these days. Radishes, lettuces, spinach, arugula. Kale and chard are happily back in full rotation for mealtime too. Though it's mostly just frittata or salad these days as a base for most meals (topped with ham or chicken or eggs or beans or oh so many things!), it feels SO good to be more casual about our dinner planning. Taking a stroll through the garden with a basket deciding what to make for dinner really is one of my very favorite things.
All this talk of the garden has me itching to get back out there. It's been (happily, for the garden!) raining for the past day and promises to today as well. I might just have to sneak out there anyway, even if only for a dinnertime gathering stroll.
. . .
If you're keeping garden notes and photographs and want to share it with the rest of us, do leave a comment with a link so that we may take a stroll through your garden too! It's a delight to see what and how things are growing all over, and to read the comments with such great gardening wisdom! Thank you all for continuing to share in this little project.