Despite the fact that it was not anywhere near where we were staying, or in any way a part of our reason for being in the city, it seemed entirely wrong to go all the way to New York City and not stop by Purl Soho. I wanted to see the shop, of course, but what I really wanted was to see that wall of Liberty. Oh! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And a seriously difficult decision making process as well, in coming home with just a few little precious pieces. But eventually I did manage to narrow it down (thanks to the fabulous shop help who encouraged me to pull the bolts down, open them up, touch it all, yes!). The pinks and purples for Annabel, the blue and red for Adelaide and the middle one for me. That grey, blue and yellow? I had no idea how much I could love a piece of fabric until it was opened up there on the cutting counter. Those are my favorite colors, and I think I'd like to dive on into that one and live there - in the fabric. Is that so strange? I have no idea what I could possibly make with that piece (a yard and a half) that could do it justice. So i'll just think on it a bit longer while I continue to admire it.
But a dress for my baby girl was an easy decision. A simple Suzanne, using two of the fabrics together. I've been adding some small elastic to the shoulders when I make this pattern lately - to keep it up on the shoulders. But not wanting to put elastic on this one, I opted to make a smaller size at the top, and just lengthen the dress an extra two inches.
It is a rare moment when Annabel wears anything other than a bathing suit these days, but every once in a while I can convince her to put something else over the bathing suit. A light, easy, flowy dress is just the thing for those rare moments. back to daydreaming about what to stitch next.