(Thanks to Calvin for climbing a tree for this one!)
July in the garden! Oh, we are eating so well right now, and with so much ease. With cold February days not long out of mind, it is nearly impossible to contain from bursting with joy at the feeling of walking barefoot in the garden gathering greens - and this and that - for dinner. Delightful. We have garlic scapes now, and peas, and so much kale and chard. Radishes and so many different lettuces.
Cucumbers, for the second year in a row, are proving to be finicky for me. I've planted them three times now, and I am hopeful that this time they'll take. And squash of course, is always a challenge - though a regular application of neem oil seems to be keeping the striped cucumber beetles at bay for the moment. Next year, I think I'll move to row covers for squash. (As with each gardening year, I rely on my MOFGA pest report for news of what to look out for, and ways to treat.)
Annabel's Garden Cottage (as it's come to be called) has been such a blessing and a gift for garden time. It's tucked into the cool of the shade, so she and her sibling guests are comfortable as they go in and out between other projects and work of the day. As we head outdoors, she fills a basket with things she might like to do - painting, books, dolls, a water bottle, a snack. And from there, in her cozy little world, she spends some of our garden time (and I do too!). It's sweet...and Adelaide and I have started planting a few shady perennials there in hopes of making it a lovely little resting spot for years to come.
Second plantings of beans and peas have gone in, with just one more bed added to the garden (that's kind of like just one more row of knitting, is it not?). And while I got some sunflowers in a month ago, Harper has decided he'd like his very own sunflower garden...so we're hoping it's not too late. We'll do that this morning, just after a breakfast of eggs and strawberries (strawberries with everything right now, yes?).
July in the garden. I love it so!
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If you're keeping garden notes and photographs and want to share it with the rest of us, do leave a comment with a link so that we may take a stroll through your garden too! It's a delight to see what and how things are growing all over, and to read the comments with such great gardening wisdom! Thank you all for continuing to share in this little project.