Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Alena Hennessy. In Alena's words:
"Artist, author, and devotee to beauty. I guide people through painting, mixed media, and the creative process both online and through select retreats and also have a online shop.
Visit my blog"
SouleMama: Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Alena: I adore the Anais Nin quote:
SouleMama: What word describes your business best?
Alena: Fulfilling.
SouleMama: Do you have advice for people wanting to be more creative?
Alena: Yes, just begin. Begin before you're ready. Be gentle. Allow yourself to play. Trust your process, trust your inherent mark. Remove judgement from your process (this is of the utmost importance) and expect the unexpected. Allow and see what comes. Accept, go deeper, and notice how you feel during and after... it is insatiable and so satisfying. Be prepared to be transformed. Being more creative in your life is making the space to do so, giving yourself permission, and allowing wonder the come into your life, inside your being, and out through your hands.
SouleMama: What does 'being creative' mean to you?
Alena: It means living a life that is true to my heart. Being an adventurer, an explore of visual language and the elements: color, line, shape, value, rhythm, harmony, balance... I love it all. It means carving out a space just for me, within some silence, some quiet time within myself... even if there is music playing. It means wild expression, pure abandonment, letting go deeper and discovering new ways, constantly for myself and the artist within.
For today's giveaway, Alena Hennessy is generously offering the following gifts to THREE winners:
To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00 am EST on Sunday, and announce the winners, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winners are...
I love everything about this!
Posted by: Sara Dalton
This course work really speaks to me right now. Thank you for the offering.
Posted by: Jane A.
Oh my. This looks wonderful!
Posted by: Casey
Thank you, Alena Hennessy!