Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, The Waldorf Connection. In Donna's words:
"The Waldorf Connection is an online resource for families homeschooling with Waldorf-inspired methods. We provide training, support and community to help those get started without overwhelm and worry.
Donna recently published the The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook (published by Audrey Press)."
SouleMama: Tell us about your background. What path led you to the work you do today?
Donna: I became a new person when my twins were born 12 years ago. Organic, natural and homemade became our way of life. So, when it came time to consider education, I knew homeschooling was what my husband and I wanted- and then I fell in love with Waldorf!
At that time there was limited online resources for homeschooling with Waldorf. My overwhelm and frustration plus the passion to make it work led me to create The Waldorf Connection. After years of working with experts, Waldorf teachers and becoming a Peaceful Parenting coach & Simplicity Parenting leader, I realized my own experience with homeschooling could be shared with others. I consider myself a veteran homeschooler now after 8 years!
SouleMama: Tell us about your clients.
Donna: My favorite clients are those moms who are just starting their Waldorf homeschool journey. I remember clearly what is felt like to want to be successful for my kids and not know how to do it! Walking these passionate, amazing families through the step-by-step process to being Waldorf to their families is what really inspired me. I want everyone who wants to teach their child to be able to do it simply and joyfully.
SouleMama: What's the product or offering that you are most excited about in your shop/class right now? Tell us about it.
Donna: By far it is the Waldorf Homeschool Handbook that was just published a few months ago by Audrey Press. It is the resource I wish I had when I was getting started. I wanted to create something that gave families a springboard into homeschooling with Waldorf, but without the overwhelm. I hope it becomes a “go-to” book for those who want guidance and who don't have extra time to figure it all out alone.
SouleMama: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business.
Donna: In my experience you never know where the business will take you, but if I could envision something it would be to travel around the world hosting weekend training workshops. I would also love to host a large yearly Waldorf Conference where everyone would come and meet each other.
I am actually doing a live workshop this fall in my beautiful hometown of Pawleys Island, SC, so we'll see how it progresses from there. I have to balance my work time with schooling my girls.
For today's giveaway, The Waldorf Connection is generously offering the following gifts to TWO winners:
To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00 am EST on Monday, and announce the winners, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winners are...
This is a wonderful giveaway. Thank you!
Posted by: Amy
Such a great resource. Would love to read it! Thanks
Posted by: Ynez
Thank you, The Waldorf Connection!