Oh my goodness. This one. She gives us a run for our money, as they say. I was worried a bit, in my pregnancy with her, about how she'd fit into the mix. About how she'd find her way in an already full family of characters and personality and energy. But of course she did, just perfectly, in a way that's all her own. She is a spitfire (I never understood that term until I met her), an absolutely sensitive sweetheart, and most definitely....In Charge (and a wee bit loud). I suppose that is what it's like to be the youngest of five.
She gets a little stuck these days, in a three year old way, on what she's wearing. For a while, it was bathing suits. Then as soon as she had an ample supply of bathing suits gifted to her, she moved onto other things. For now, it is this vintage dress (picked up for her older sister at Brimfield a few years ago), a rainbow cape (from Sarah's Silk's) that trails behind her everywhere she goes, and wellies for outside. And for inside...tap shoes (cast off from her older brothers). She keeps them by her bed when she goes to sleep at night. And when she wakes in the middle of the night, she slips into her tap shoes to walk the twenty yards to our bedroom, or to the bathroom, tap shoes then placed there and at the ready for when she wakes. It isn't that she wants to dance necessarily, as the boys have certainly tried (with every one of their siblings) to nurture another dancer in the family - and to no avail thus far. It's more, I think, that she wants to amplify the sounds she makes when walking. Did I mention she's a loud one? Fantastically loud.
Three is amazing. She is amazing. It's really all just so much fun, isn't it?