This week in my garden (and in our kitchen), we have ....
:: scratched our heads in disbelief at all the beans, beans, and more beans coming in!
:: fretted over the first frost, which hasn't happened yet, but could any day now.
:: cut, arranged and shared flowers with everyone we can, everywhere we can, knowing these moments are fleeting.
:: planted the last bit of winter rye in some garden beds as a cover crop.
:: let go of cold frames for this season as the days just became too full and the calendar pages keep turning.
:: picked those wonderful volunteer pumpkins growing out of the compost and scattered all nine of them around the house.
:: enjoyed the first of what will be many meals of brussels sprouts this month.
:: welcomed a friend to our garden as we prepare for the days of work ahead.
:: anticipated with great excitement, the coming days ahead at the Common Ground Country Fair, our annual favorite harbinger of the autumn season. Phoebe and I are packing our bags and heading there in just a few minutes to join the rest of the Taproot team in our booth. If you are there this weekend, do stop by and say hello! I'd love to see you!
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If you're keeping garden notes and photographs and want to share it with the rest of us, do leave a comment with a link so that we may take a stroll through your garden too! It's a delight to see what and how things are growing all over, and to read the comments with such great gardening wisdom! Thank you all for continuing to share in this little project.