Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Mata Traders. In Katie's words:
"Mata Traders is a Chicago-based fair trade fashion company. We partner with women's cooperatives in India and Nepal to launch two vintage inspired collections each year.
We post about the background of the company, the lives of the women in the artisan groups in India, the design process behind our pieces, and lots more on our blog."
SouleMama: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business.
Katie: In an ideal world, everyone will be wearing Mata! Just kidding. In the garment industry as a whole, we'd love for consumers to, at the very least, know where their clothes are coming from. The reason the garment industry has turned into the factory monster it is today is largely based on the fact that people didn't feel a need to question companies about their process. Luckily, people are learning, and asking, and demanding to know, and we just hope that trend continues.
SouleMama: Tell us about your customers.
Katie: Our customers are, simply put, the BEST. They are the perfect mix of fashion-conscious and socially-conscious. They care about the world and are taking whatever steps they can as consumers to better the lives of others while maintaining their own level and standards of style. Our clothes work for a wide range of women–whether chic or casual, conservative or daring, budget-friendly or spend-happy. They're also quite loyal, which is really flattering!
SouleMama: What's the product or offering that you are most excited about in your shop/class right now? Tell us about it.
Katie: We're pretty excited about being able to incorporate some new fabrics into our fall collection this year. Though we'd been limited to a specific cotton before this season, we now have some dresses with satin cotton and cotton twill that are a little bit softer and sleeker. Also, our next collection will have several jersey pieces, which is a brand new world for us!
For today's giveaway, Mata Traders is generously offering the following gifts to ONE winner:
To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8:00 am EST on Sunday, and announce the winner, chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after. Comments closed! The winner is...
Love Love Love!
Posted by: Leisa
Thank you, Mata Traders!