A few rainy days, and a cozy fire going in the woodstove means that I've finished spinning Emily's fleece. I'm so pleased with the lovely gray color. Putting it next to the girls I've already spun - Anne and Cinnamon - I am feeling so grateful for the color diversity. And so tickled to know that even more of it is coming when we shear everyone this fall - it's a Shetland rainbow out there (so many color possibilities with this breed!)! I think my yarn is getting a bit more even, and a little less overtwisted with each skein. Certainly, there's a lot of practicing happening.
I have just one fleece left ready to spin - Charlotte, who is Anne's twin and shares her coloring. I'm going to do my best to pace myself with it. But soon enough, after shearing and sending ten more fleeces off to be prepared, I'll have plenty to keep me going through the seasons ahead. Until then, I'll knit....