We did not get the unseasonably wintry weather we thought we might get, though our friends to the East and North (and South!) certainly did. Here in our little corner of the world, there was some light sprinkling of snow, very high winds, and temporary loss of power. Just enough of all of that to remind us of exactly what time of year it is, to cement us in this season of unpredictable weather and the resulting plans that might change, and most importantly - to reintroduce us, in a way, to the comforts of home. And each other. We spent a good deal of our weekend time inside, together, doing the things we love. Making music, making art, making food, and certainly - making messes. Being a family of seven (eight, counting Gram) living all together and schooling and working all together every day all year round, we see plenty of each other....but still, there is an element this time of year of reacquainting ourselves with one another. At least in the sense that we are all - at the same time - together in the same space. No longer do we have quite the same spread of some outside, some in, some back in the woods, and others in the pasture. Instead, our circle of play gets a little bit tighter for much of the day this time of year. Cozy fires, new corners in which to create, meals to make and share - we do these things now while weaving paths around and alongside each other, while trying to keep in mind each others wishes and sensitivities, while remembering the steps to this dance we do together as a family. Of course, that's in the best of moments - the harmony. But it is the feeling we strive for this time of year, and so appreciate when it falls into place - as we embrace the change in season, as we reacquaint ourselves with our place in the family being together, and as we enjoy all that happens when we come inside.