And here we are , at that tricky time of year for crafty bloggers - where there is so much going on, but nothing to share! Not that anyone on our list isn't expecting what we're crafting up for them, but still, let's keep the illusion of surprise at least.
Last night was another family session of making and labeling and packing. Teacher gifts are going out this week to the various classes the kids take, and things are being shipped today to far away friends and family. We're nearly done with the handmades! As we were busy elving together last night, I was remembering some of our early family gift making when there were still so many little helpers. How fun, but also tricky it was to sometimes keep everyone happy and feeling involved in the process. (The bird calendar might still be my all time favorite little kid handmade we've shared, and its balance of child and adult work was just right.) It's all changing as they get older, and I am loving where it's all going - how their own creativity and ideas mature and develop and fit into the family plan. Last night at the table, the crew had some turnover as someone got bored or someone else wanted to go outside to play. We were never all together at once, but everyone was present at one point or other in the evening - making, packing and wrapping. And talking and laughing. I decided to move slowly, not rushing my way through the tasks, but truly looking around and sinking into the goodness of the moment. My growing children, our holiday traditions, the way we are together as a family. As I did so, I wondered if we will always gather around a table to make things together, no matter how old we are. I hope we do.
Are you doing the same thing in your home? I wish you much peace and joy in your own family elving these days!