There was some excitement in the barn this week. Twins! As has happened nearly every time before with lambing here, we were greeting at morning chores by the appearance of two new faces! Two tiny faces, freshly born, and settling in with their Mama, Charlotte.
Emily gave birth to a singleton, Scarlett, nearly a month ago now. And so we weren't entirely sure that Charlotte was even pregnant (hard to believe, I know, but oh those fleeces are full these days! All manner of things could be hiding in/under there!). So it was such a delight to find those two faces that morning, and even more delightful to discover that they are both girls. Ah! Relief! (We have no easy way to keep a ram around here at the moment, nor a need for making more lambs either. And with the kids decidedly not interested in eating lamb, well - you can see what a challenge a boy lamb could pose.) Really, our luck in that department is remarkable, and I'm thanking my lucky stars that of the eleven lambs born on this farm since we started keeping sheep, there's only been one ram! Those are mighty good odds. And means that we've got ourselves a backyard full of fleece! I'd say it's time to get serious about all that. The shearer comes next week, and then, oh boy. Then the fun begins.
In the meantime, the fun is to be had in the pasture and in the barn. SO much fun, for there's really nothing sweeter or more entertaining or more adorable than brand-new lambs. These two were named by Adelaide, Annabel and Harper (having rejected my continuation of the eighteenth century British female literary characters naming theme as "boring, mom, boring"). And so we have Little Friend Susan (so named after the character in Milly Molly Mandy, a favorite in our house), and Thalia (daughter of Zeus). If these two new lambs grow up to be anything like the rest of their barn mates, coddled and adored all day long, well....I think we're in for a pasture full of love.