Another Monday morning after a busy summer weekend, with a long to-do list ahead of me. But I'm moving slowly, because oh, all of it feels so good and full, and the sun is shining and the garden is growing, and children are outside playing, and there is sure to be a lake swim later in the day. On such a morning, another 'ten things' feels just right for here and now...
1. Necklace Rainbow Magic Candy has taken to wearing my clothes lately. Each day, she wakes up and picks something from my dresser, then we head down to my studio and adjust it all with pins and ties and anything to make it small enough to fit on her and stay on her. The finishing touch is always a scarf for her head. It all suits her just right.
2. Her older sister? HAS NOT WRITTEN HOME!
3. I've decided that being barefoot in the garden early in the morning, still in my pajamas, gathering flowers to bring inside might just be one of my favorite things in this life. Those are Sweet William above. Some dear friends of ours have it growing all around their root cellar and I fell in love with it there many years ago. So glad to have it growing in my own garden now, and so pleased it's taken off as it has. It's happy here, I think.
4. The strawberry shortcake marathon? It continues nearly each night and has somehow crept into our morning's too. What started as a special treat one morning - whipped cream and strawberries on top of our oatmeal - has somehow slid into an every day thing. But who can argue with that? Strawberry season is short, and too good to be missed.
5. I am back to sewing with clothesline! I'm thinking it's just the very thing that Adelaide needs in her room for holding all her stuff - from horses to glitter glue. Today will require a run for more thread, because good golly, these baskets do just soak up the thread.
6. I'm also thinking a pouffe needs to happen. Contemplating this tutorial, but looking around for others. Do you have a favorite?
7. I've been making a lot of garlic scape pesto lately, and everyone is loving it. I add cream, which helps tamp down the strong garlic just enough to make it palatable by all, but still vibrant. I'll share the recipe here soon, if you'd like.
8. That second photo above? Sometimes I think a wider lens is necessary. That's what's really going on outside the pretty basket of greens. A whole lot of kitchen table life.
9. I just finished reading The Lost Wife last night, amidst a whole lot of tears. Currently searching for the next great book to read, something reasonably light since I'll be balancing it with Moby Dick. Yes, Moby Dick....helping my eldest prepare for his freshman year summer read.
10. And in case you haven't seen mention of it elsewhere, I wanted to let you know that Taproot is hiring! We're looking for a part-time Copy Editor (in the Portland, Maine area) and a full-time Graphic Designer (in the Burlington, VT area) to join our team. Check out our Jobs page for more details.
Friends, I wish you a most wonderful start to your week!