We spent a lovely day earlier in the week gathering with Em and Sarah and various members of our families (who thankfully all adore each other, as you can see). The last time the three of us were together it was in Bali, and well, the water was a bit warmer there! Ah! But oh, I love this hometown ocean of mine, and the feeling of being so fully awake and alive when immersed in it. So very good indeed.
I've been playing a bit of hookey this week. Well, not really, I suppose, since the work must be done eventually and so I'm trading my normal morning work hours for late night work hours at the moment. It's not a sustainable way of being, but at the moment it seems like absolutely the right thing to do (and the necessary one, as Papa and the older boys are adventuring and so I'm flying solo). And because summer is so short, and because there is no place that brings as much peace and harmony among the crew, and because....well, there needn't be any more reasons. It just is the right thing to do. And so I set a goal with the kids on Monday morning - we must swim and also eat ice cream, each and every day this week. Here we are on Thursday and cruising right along on my plan - hopping from ocean to lake to river and I think back to the ocean again tomorrow. As you can imagine, I have three little ones quite eager to help hold me to that plan. Ah, summer days are the best.