Ah, what a wonderful week in the garden it's been! I've had plenty of time out there since last week, and things are a bit more tame than they were seven days ago. I do love this time of the year out there so much - when the plants are strong enough and big enough to handle a little interference from some weeds, and while there is just so much coming in from the garden. So much life in those beds this time of year, and I love wandering around and plotting our next meal.
This week, all of the garlic was pulled and is now drying. While I still don't think it's enough for us to last a full year, I do think I grew more than I ever have before, and we might make it till spring, at least. (I'm sorry I didn't keep my notes on just how much we planted, and I haven't counted/measured the yield yet either.)
Other things coming in - the most beautiful broccoli I think we've enjoyed from our own garden, and lots of it thank goodness; plenty of beets; so many greens; radishes; and the very first of the sungold tomatoes (those first tomatoes are a little slice of heaven, aren't they?). There are lots of flowers coming in right now, which pleases us all of course. I'm still a little worried about the carrot yield and will definitely be switching to pelleted seeds next year in hopes of improving that.
Harvesting, some light weeding, and propping up the plants that need it seem to be the big tasks at the moment (I'm a big fan of using old cut up t-shirt strips for helping the tomatoes stay close to the stakes, or the gourds go up and reach the cattle panel). And I suppose with the garden somewhat under control, one needs a new garden project yes? I guess that's why, on a bit of a whim yesterday, with paintbrush in hand from another project, I walked out to the garden shed and just started painting. Ah! I got myself into a bigger project that I realized, but it's all good. I've had visions of pretty garden sheds in my head (and on my Pinterest boards) for years, and I'm thrilled to play around in there and see what I can come up with, using what we have. The sawzall has already been put to use and I think I just might need to pull out the chainsaw for the birch I was talking about the other day. Every garden shed needs birch logs in there, right? Right. Construction in the garden....it's going to be a fun week out there!
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During the growing season, I share a garden update once a week. If you are doing the same (on any day of the week) in your own online space, please leave a link in the comments section below so that we can take a stroll through your garden! Or simply, in your words, share what you've been up to in your own garden. Be sure not to miss the comments of these posts, as the garden wisdom shared by all of you is such a beautiful thing to see - I learn so much every week! Thank you, friends. And blessings on another year in the garden!