Greetings from Marblemount Homestead Online Cheese Making Class!
I'm a native German who homesteads on five acres in the beautiful Skagit Valley in Washington State. I live in a cabin next to the wilderness, together with my husband and three homeschooled children. We raise lots of different animals, but the goats are my favorites! I teach cheese making and homesteading skills to earth conscious people and have inspired hundreds to live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives through my classes and my blog.
I am very excited about offering an online cheese making workshop so people all over the world can learn how to make Chevre, Greek Yogurt, Gouda and Cabra Al Vino and create healthy dishes with them to nourish their families and friends. Most people use store bought milk to make these cheeses – no need to have your own goats or cows!
You can find more information on my website. I am also on Facebook and Instagram.
SouleMama: Please tell us about the beginnings of your business, and how you've come to be where you are now?
Corina: Many people love coming to my homestead to learn how to make cheese. I have taught hundreds of people the art of cheese making here.
But the truth is - we live in the boonies, and it's a long (albeit scenic) drive for my students. That's why I designed this online workshop so everyone can participate. Most of my students buy milk from the store, so there is no need to have your own dairy animals!
In this four-week class, you will learn how to make four different kinds of dairy products - one every week. We start with the easier ones (Greek Yogurt and Chevre) and then move up to the more involved cheeses (Gouda and Cabra al Vino). Keep in mind that even the more difficult cheeses are not hard to make. If you like cooking and eating good food, you can make cheese. I will hold your hand every step of the way!
In this self-paced workshop, you will receive my beautiful, detailed e-books on making each cheese, filled with gorgeous pictures, step-by-step instructions, and many tips and tricks that I have learned in over a decade of making thousands of pounds of cheese at home.
You will know exactly what supplies to order, where to order from, and how much.
My recipes are easy to follow, clear and simple.
I also will provide you with recipes on how to cook and bake with what you make (cheesecake, anyone?).
And if you are a visual learner, you will watch me demonstrate techniques and methods in my movies, right in my own kitchen.
One really exciting part of this program is the weekly live coaching call with me, where you can hop on the phone or computer and ask me questions, let me help you solve problems, and celebrate your successes!
Plus, we will have a private Facebook group where students can interact with each other and me.
At the end of this workshop, you will wonder why you were ever intimidated by the thought of making cheese!
This weekend, Marblemount Homestead Online Cheese Making Class is generously offering the following gift to TWO lucky SouleMama readers:
Free tuition for this workshop.
Go to the online cheese class website, look at the pictures and tell me which cheese you would be most excited to make, and why you want to learn how to make cheese.
In addition, Marblemount Homestead Online Cheese Making Class is offering Soulemama readers a 25% discount on the workshop tuition, which brings it down to $59 instead of $79 for the general public. To get the reduced price, go to my website and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, then click on the payment option for soulemama readers, which will automatically give you the 25% discount.
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 8am EST Sunday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winners are...
I think I like the gouda best, although what would be most exciting for me is to take the class and work along side my son while learning to make cheese. Thanks!
Posted by: Tammy
Wine soaked goat cheese! Please let me be one of the lucky ones - oh wine soaked goat cheese!
Posted by: Barb B