I know I can't tell you that Issue 15::FOLK is my favorite issue yet (even if it's true), because I say that each and every time and you're apt not to believe me anymore. So perhaps more accurately, I should say that this issue feels the most personal to me. Granted, I am connected in one way or another to each sentence and photograph of all the issues, but this one - this one has some particular stories in it that I feel so deeply connected to. There are two tales that were inspired by my trip to Bali. One being a feature on indigo dye artist Nofel, whom I had the pleasure of learning from while there earlier this year. And the other piece, a story by a midwife about Bumi Sehat and Robin Lim - the incredible woman and incredible place I had the great honor of spending some time with on my visit to Bali. And then you add in a story later in the pages by Steve, of the classic Maine character that is our neighbor and friend Bruce....and well, you can see what I mean. I really do love this issue.
In time for the coming season of pulling inward, we've filled the pages with so many crafts and recipes for you to enjoy. I've already cast on for my Cicely Shawl from this issue, and this week after we go apple picking (can it really be time already?), I am most definitely making that pie. And for those of you who are interested in rope basket making, you'll be pleased to find instructions for doing so in here as well! So much goodness for making and baking and enjoying.
You'll notice a little something extra in those last photographs. That's our subscriber bonus - a sweet and fun little address book for you! It comes with each issue headed out to subscribers (that includes those of you subscribe now!). We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we've enjoyed putting it together - it's a special one.
You can buy single issue, subscribe or renew now on our website.
And thank you, always, for your support!