Not all photographed, but all photographically represented:
50 Freedom Ranger chickens (meat birds)
30something laying hens
12 Shetland Sheep
5 ducks (Pekin, Black and Blue Swedish)
5 Bourbon Red turkeys
4 cats
3 Tamworth/Hampshire pigs
2 Nigerian Dwarf goats
and 1 Great Pyrenees pup who guards them all (and sleeps all day).
We've been here on this property for five years now, this week. I'm not sure where I thought we'd be at this point, in terms of farm and house progress. I might have had grander visions than our reality could fulfill, and at the same time, I never would have imagined we could do some of the things we have done. But oh, I'm quite happy where we are right now, right here. All is good and well - the house, the pastures, and life is full to the brim. Though that little girl up there - the one who feeds all of the above all by herself, with a smile on her face all the while - thinks we're missing a few more friends to fill the pastures with. Ah, who knows what the next five years will bring!