This little lady is ten today. Ten! She's growing into such a wise, funny, sensitive and thoughtful soul. Oh, what joy it is to watch all this growing happen in our children, isn't it? How I look at her now and can see the two year old she was, and only imagine how those attributes of hers will manifest as an adult. It's a delight.
She's having a gathering with some friends this weekend, something she's had in the works for months now, my little planner (and fellow Virgo). But this week has been so incredibly busy - with garden harvesting, with the magazine, with the start of the fall classes, and especially with getting Calvin out the door and ready for school - that I was beginning to feel terrible about not getting to her party preparations. There was no time for late night studio sewing sessions, or other crafty undertakings. And just as the Mama guilt started to creep in and started to overwhelm me....I stumbled upon another pile of pom poms.
Because, of course, this girl has her own crafty plans and ambitions! She's been having her own late night crafting sessions in her bedroom, and having an absolute blast doing so. Tissue paper flowers, sewn paper heart garlands, pom poms ready to string, paper goodie bags for each of her friends....and on and on. I have no doubt that a few more creations will emerge today.
Continually learning from these little ones, I am. What a gift and a blessing it is to know and love them.