Greetings from Woolen Moss ~ Custom Organic Clothing!
I realize that I am incredibly lucky to spend my days the way I do. I live in the country. I work from home. I love what I do. I make organic women’s clothing and so I get to make others feel good about themselves for my living. It’s really quite a blessing. But sometimes I get wrapped up in wondering what other lives are like. The good parts and the bad. Anyone who follows me on Instagram will know that I was roofing this weekend with my husband. In 95 degree sun. For 5 days straight. I was not feeling particularly blessed at the time. I was, in fact, watching others walk by in our little downtown, wondering how I got to this new (old) building renovation. Why I wasn’t breezing along in a sundress, or off swimming in the lake, or picnicking with friends. And I began to feel a little sorry for myself. Why the struggle?, I ask myself. Why so damn much hard work? And the answer is, because I get to live in the country. Work from home. And I love what I do.
The hard labor and sweat equity is what allows me to be self employed. It’s the retirement plan that no large company is giving me. It’s the some day vacation that no corporation is offering me. We plan for our own future, and so I sometimes have to miss the picnics and cocktails. Although you better believe there’s a very fine cocktail waiting for me at the end of such a 95 degree day of roofing.
SouleMama: Since the last time you were featured on SouleMama, in what ways has your business grown or changed?
Kate: The time is finally here. I’ve opened up the world of color. I’m finally ordering large quantitates of Organic Merino Wool fabric, and getting it dyed to my specifications. And boy are the colors sweet! Wine Red, Sienna Orange, Olive Green, Bluebird, Eggplant Purple, and always popular Black are all here. And a lighter weight organic merino wool jersey is coming later in the season in Yellow Ochre and Chartreuse Green. The colors are beautiful, and the fabric is so wonderfully soft. The sheep are raised organically in the mountains of Patagonia (sigh) and the wool is organically processed and then dyed right here in New York State. For those of you who have ordered from me in the past, this fabric is similar the the very first organic merino wool I ever carried. 100% wool, with great natural stretch due to the interlock knit. There are some old favorite styles re-listed (those thick wool leggings!) as well as a few new ones, including a cropped loose fit sweater that I throw on every morning as soon as the nights get chilly (right around the corner!) Please take a look around the shop and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Oh, and one other thing that’s changed since we last spoke? I got a haircut. A serious haircut. That plenty of people warned me not to do. Because you know, the long gray locks? Well, they’re gone. And I love it.
This weekend, Woolen Moss ~ Custom Organic Clothing is generously offering the following gift to ONE lucky SouleMama reader:
Even though it was 95 degrees last weekend, it will be in the low 40’s in the mornings in just a few days! So I’d like to offer the cropped loose fit sweater to one winner, in your color choice and your size. It goes on over anything and is so soft and warm, you’ll be glad it’s fall.
In addition, Woolen Moss ~ Custom Organic Clothing is offering all SouleMama readers 15% your entire purchase with coupon code LOVEFALL through the end of September.
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 9am EST on Sunday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winner is...
Beyond impressed! From one little Chambersburg business owner to another! Would love to show your clothes at my salon lush! #chambersburggirls
Posted by: Liz Lesher